My Photographic Story

I was born in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico in 1949 and I’ve had a camera in my hands since I was 8 years old. My father was a scientist and as you might expect, very technically oriented. I got my love of science from him and went on to obtain my degree in Biology. He was also a very good photographer and taught me at a young age how a camera works and how to use the different tools available to obtain my desired image . My mother, on the other hand was a teacher and an artist. I attribute my artistic side to her and my desire to share my knowledge and adventures with others must have come from her teaching side.

My life long interest in cars, boats, travel and nature led me deeper into photography. I found that photography is the one thing that ties all my interests together in one nice bundle. For forty years I made my living as a garden/landscape designer. As such I had to visualize the end result of my designs. In photography you must see the end result before you press the shutter. The transition from designer to photographer was easy for me, however the images sometimes didn’t live up to my expectations. My photography took a new turn about 12 years ago, when I joined a like minded group of photographers led by Ruth Burke. In two days of shooting and classroom my images began to look much more like the picture I saw in my minds eye. Most of this improvement came from understanding the camera controls and how they can affect the final image, a reinforcement of my fathers lessons as a child.

In other words, I really began to see the light. I had been allowing the camera to make too many decisions for me. If I wanted a certain outcome, I had to be in control. The second important discovery was simple composition. I had to force myself to look around at all the background and foreground details in the viewfinder. This made me think about what the final image would look like and in many cases I would be forced to change my location or angle of view in relation to the main subject. My ability as a photographer/artist has improved greatly as a result and I thank Ruth for opening my eyes to the vast possibilities of photography as art.

If you know me, you know I’m not much of a competitive person, so contests and competitions don’t interest me. You won’t find any awards or ribbons on any of my images. I know this is contrary to the norm, but I don’t happen to fit into that category. I truly believe that my images tell the story. If you like what you see in my galleries or on my FB page, I can teach you how to use your creative ability to capture the images you envision.

My goal is for you to become a more accomplished photographer than your teachers and to share your own experiences with others. In doing this, you will be helping to perpetuate this great hobby/profession of photography into the future.

My art prints are an extension of me, my interests, and places I’ve been. It is my desire to share these experiences with you through my images. I hope they bring about the desire to expand your horizons in photography.

“Learning to capture your visions is just the beginning, capturing your dreams is the goal” gt